Submit Your Writing Here!

Two Ways:


We prefer submission attached to e-mails and sent to [email protected]

The body of the e-mail should contain your name, where you're writing about, and the title of the piece.

If, for whatever reason, attaching a document file doesn't float your boat, then go ahead and fill in the form below.

Message to Webmaster:

Stuff to Consider

  1. Submission of short stories, essays, poetry or reviews to this website are made on the understanding that the pieces may be edited and published by Sojourn Magazine
  2. Submission of a piece does not guarantee publication. Hah.
  3. The copyright for all of the material published on this site rests with the authors.
  4. Nobody gets paid unless we make money. At that point, payment is at the discretion and whim of the editors.
  5. All entries will be checked for spelling and grammar and some changes (at the discretion of the editors) may be made to the submission before it is added to the site.
  6. Sojourn magazine is owned and generally edited by Aaron Ansel. Any comments about the site may be addressed to him at [email protected]